Student Life
Financial Wellness Tools & Resources
- Improve your financial literacy
- Develop a sustainable budget
- Plan and save for future goals
- Understand and manage debt
Financial Health Check Questionnaire
A thorough survey crafted to evaluate your current financial status and offer personalised tools, tips, and resources
Budget Planner
Track your income and expenses, set financial goals, and make informed decisions about your spending to achieve financial stability.
Saving for a Secure Future
The Savings Hub provides tailored resources to help you save and invest wisely. this hub focuses on practical saving tips, strategies for building a financial safety net, and options for managing money effectively while studying.
Reading Your Payslip
A guide to help you understand the various components of your payslip.
How to Avoid Unmanageable Debt
Tips and strategies for managing your debt effectively.
Financial Risks Students Should Avoid
Learn how to protect yourself from scams, fraud, and addiction to safeguard your future.